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Overcome Lust: 5 Tips for Victory

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D. R. Silva bio picture


Jun 2, 2014 | Identity, Sin

If you’re a Christian struggling to overcome lust, you’re not alone. Many believers face this challenge, and it can feel overwhelming. However, it’s important to know that it’s possible to overcome this struggle and live a life free from sin. As someone who personally battled with lust from 2004-2009, I understand how difficult it can be to break free from this temptation. But through my experiences, I’ve discovered effective techniques for overcoming lust and controlling lustful thoughts. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some of the most helpful tips that have worked for me.

Tip #1: Don’t Panic When You Get Lustful Thoughts

This is the most important thing to learn if you want to overcome lust effectively. When you get a vivid sexual thought, don’t panic or try hard to suppress it. The harder you try not to think about it, the clearer and more intense it becomes. Instead, take a deep breath, stay calm, and respond peacefully to who you are in God. Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). Remember that God is patient and understanding about the situation and isn’t holding the thought against you. When a thought pops into your head, turn your attention towards Jesus and thank Him that you don’t have to live at the mercy of this thing; you have a choice. Stay in peace and don’t let the enemy drag you away from the life and peace that are in the Spirit (Romans 8:6).

Tip #2: Don’t Get Frustrated While Resisting Lustful Thoughts

Moving to Montana last October, I struggled to chop wood effectively. Despite my efforts, the axe would miss the target or even hit my foot. One day, I decided to ask God for wisdom, and His advice was to focus on precision rather than power. I realized that by trying too hard to swing with power, I was missing my mark and getting frustrated. By focusing on precision, I was able to hit the wood more accurately, weakening it with every hit until it split. I learned that staying calm and focused on the task at hand allowed me to swing more precisely and efficiently, building up endurance and strength as I went.

This same principle applies to overcoming lust. The enemy may try to frustrate you into swinging wildly, causing you to tire yourself out and lose focus. However, by staying calm and focused, you can swing more precisely and see results faster. Strength without precision is not only ineffective but can also be dangerous. Therefore, it’s important to remain focused on what you want to achieve and let the tools at your disposal do their job. By doing so, you’ll be able to defeat lust more effectively and with less effort.

Tip #3: Don’t Blindly Follow The Law, Understand the Heart Behind It

It’s important to understand the reason behind the command “do not lust” in order to effectively overcome lust. Simply obeying a rule or command without understanding the heart behind it can lead to defeat. Instead of blindly following rules, ask yourself why Jesus said not to lust. When you know the answer to that, it will become easier to resist lust because you will understand the intention behind the command (hint: Matt. 20:40). Take time to think, pray, and ask your Father for understanding (Jams 1:5). If you’re having difficulty, don’t hesitate to seek guidance and support from others. Understanding the heart behind a rule or command is key to successfully following it apart from religious works.

Tip #4: Don’t Use The Law to Fight Lust

This bears repeating: Using the Law to fight sin without a proper understanding of the Law’s purpose and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a recipe for failure (e.g. 2 Cor. 15:56). The Law itself is not the weapon against sin, but rather the reasoning behind it is. The Law itself only tells us what sin is, but can never empower us to live free from sin. To truly avoid sin, we must understand why certain actions are prohibited: to protect ourselves and others from harm. Attempting to use the Law as a tool for rule-keeping is a fruitless endeavor that only leads to bondage to sin (Rom. 7). Instead, we must rely on the power of grace and love to guide us in making choices that honor God and benefit ourselves and others (Titus 2:11-12). By doing so, we can avoid the pitfalls of legalism and find true freedom in Christ.

Tip #5: Don’t Try NOT to Lust

The concept of “Don’t TRY not to Lust” may seem counterintuitive, but it’s actually quite simple. Imagine you’re drowning in the ocean – the worst thing you can do is try to swim because it will exhaust you and make you sink faster. Similarly, struggling in quicksand will only worsen the situation. The key is to stay calm, relax, and let yourself float. The same principle applies to overcoming lust. If you panic and try to forcefully push the thoughts away, it will only make them stronger. Instead, take a deep breath and focus on your identity in Jesus. When a lustful thought enters your mind, remember that it does not define you – it is simply a disconnected thought that can be released. By focusing on Jesus and understanding your identity in Him, you can find peace even in the midst of stormy thoughts. It’s not about ignoring or suppressing your thoughts, but rather “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)


In conclusion, it’s important to remember that vivid pornographic thoughts do not originate from the mind of Christ but rather from an enemy who wants to plant them in your mind to accuse you. However, it’s up to you to choose whether or not to allow yourself to be put into bondage. Many Christians are taught that they can’t escape bondage to sin, but this is not true. Freedom from sin is a choice, and it’s possible to live free from bondage by understanding who you are and who lives in you. So, make the choice to be free and never look back.

If you want to dive deeper and learn how to overcome lust and sin in other areas of your life, check out my book:

“How to Overcome Sin: A Practical Guide to Freedom.”



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