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Can Christians Actually Be Christ-Like?

D. R. Silva bio picture


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Have you ever noticed that some Christians seem to talk the talk, but not walk the walk? Out of one side of their mouth they say things, “I no longer live, Christ lives in me,” but out of the other claim they can’t do what Jesus did or live a sin-free life — “Only Jesus is perfect!”

If we say that Christ lives in us, why is it so difficult to believe we can live as He lived? If we claim to be sons of God, why would we accept that it’s impossible to live the way sons of God lived (the life demonstrated by *the* Son of God)? Healing the sick, raising the dead, living free from sin — these are things we can only do in the power of the Holy Spirit, but many Christians are content settling for the deeds that any man can do.

To deny the power of God in us is to deny everything He did and the entire reason He did it! If I am only doing what sons of men can do, what evidence am I providing to them that I am set apart? What invitiation am I offering to them to be set apart as well?

Jesus didn’t perform miracles solely to show off His power. He did it to demonstrate the heart of the Father for people and to show us what we, as His sons, are capable of. He even said that we would do greater things than He did!

As believers, we are not below Jesus or above Him. We are next to Him in heaven. It was God’s pleasure to seat us there, and He wants us to live as He does. If we don’t believe we can do what the Father does, then we need to question how much we truly believe in Him.

So, can Christians live like Christ? The answer is yes, we can. It’s not always easy, but with God’s help, it’s possible. First we have to understand that they are all things we grow into, they aren’t things that happen over night. So we must understand the grace God has for us so we can have that same grace for ourselves as we grow in him.

If you want to dive deeper and learn how to overcome lust sin, check out my book:

“How to Overcome Sin: A Practical Guide to Freedom.”



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