God’s Law Written On Our Heart

God’s Law Written On Our Heart

God’s Law Written On Our Heart This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israelafter that time, declares the Lord.I will put my laws in their mindsand write them on their hearts.I will be their God,and they will be my people. Heb. 8:10...
Want Some Bonus Content?

Want Some Bonus Content?

Want Some Bonus Content? I’ve had people ask me where they can donate to help financially support my ministry. If you do some digging you can find places to donate directly to me, and I do appreciate it. But I feel better about being able to continue providing...
Has God Set Us Up For Failure?

Has God Set Us Up For Failure?

Has God Set Us Up For Failure? WRITTEN BY [rt_reading_time label=”Read Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular=”minute”] I recently got this comment on TikTok. “Those who claim they are perfect and sinless… goes against everything...
Are Christians Born Into Sin?

Are Christians Born Into Sin?

Are Christians Born Into Sin? WRITTEN BY Comment: “But at the same time, Jesus was not born of sin. One of the biggest differences we have to keep in mind.” Absolutely not! This is a big thing that Christians believe. They believe that there are differences between us...
From Darkness TO Light

From Darkness TO Light

From Darkness TO Light WRITTEN BY [rt_reading_time label=”Read Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular=”minute”] “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may...
Can Christians Actually Be Christ-Like?

Can Christians Actually Be Christ-Like?

Can Christians Actually Be Christ-Like? WRITTEN BY [rt_reading_time label=”Read Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular=”minute”] Have you ever noticed that some Christians seem to talk the talk, but not walk the walk? Out of one...
“Only Jesus is Perfect!”?

“Only Jesus is Perfect!”?

“Only Jesus is Perfect!”? WRITTEN BY [rt_reading_time label=”Read Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular=”minute”] This is a very common phrase that comes out of the mouths of Christians when you talk about living...
So Why Do We Still Sin?

So Why Do We Still Sin?

So Why Do We Still Sin? WRITTEN BY [rt_reading_time label=”Read Time:” postfix=”minutes” postfix_singular=”minute”] This is part 3 of my series proving that Christians do not have a sinful nature. If you missed part 1 click the...